Photograph by Sara Messinger
"Min Jin Lee Looks Back at 'Pachinko'," The New York Times, July 2024
"What Min Jin Lee Wants Us to See," The New Yorker, February 2022
"Pachinko author Min Jin Lee, a quintessential New Yorker," Seungyeon Cho, October 2023
"Ann Curry with Min Jin Lee," PBS Arts Talk, July 2023
Min Jin Lee’s #AWP23 Keynote Address with Nancy Pearl, The Writer's Chronicle (Volume 56, Number 1), September 2023
Min Jin Lee Still Believes in Truth, The Millions, September 2023
“History has failed us, but no matter.” Pachinko and Min Jin Lee” - English Subtitled ㅣ"파친코 작가 이민진이 말하는 “소설 파친코 Pachinko” 탄생 비화 ㅣ KBS 다큐 인사이트 - 파친코와 이민진" - Korean Subtitled ㅣKBS Documentary Insight, KBS, August 2023
2023 Great Immigrant, Great Americans Profile, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 28 June 2023
"Author Min Jin Lee on 'Pachinko'," AudioFile Magazine, February 2025
"李敏金谈全知视角、理解他人与教育的意义 [Min Jin Lee Talks about Omniscient Perspective, Understanding Others and the Significance of Education]" Shanghai Review of Books, June 2023.
"Author Min Jin Lee: ‘Dua Lipa and Beyoncé give me hope for the next generation’," Financial Times, April 2023.
"Min Jin Lee on the Relationship Between Language and Power," LitHub, March 2023.
“Min Jin Lee on Taking 28 Years to Write a Novel,” Seattle Magazine, March 2023.
Forbes 50 Over 50 2022 Profile
"Cultural Bereavement: Naming the Grief Refugees May Feel," The New York Times, October 2022.
“[Herald Interview] Min-jin Lee hopes to make all readers Korean,” The Korea Herald, August 2022.
"What the Author of Pachinko and Free Food for Millionaires Wears to Work," The Cut, March 2022.
"Min Jin Lee's Quest to Make Us Pay Attention to Anti-Asian Hate," Bloomberg, March 2022.
"How Author Min Jin Lee Is Taking A Stand Against Racism," Tatler, August 2021.
Vogue Korea, July 2021.
"How to Write What You Don't Know," Harvard Radcliffe Institute, January 2021.
"Culture Pick," Vogue Japan, October 2020.
"An Interview with Min Jin Lee," The Believer, October 2019.
“Best-selling author Min Jin Lee is finishing her trilogy at Radcliffe," Harvard Gazette, March 2019.
"Min Jin Lee on Her New Novel and Writing about the Korean Diaspora," Harvard Magazine, February 2019.
"Author Min Jin Lee speaks with students as part of the Visiting Distinguished Writer series," The Huntington News (Northeastern University), November 2018.
"Novelist Min Jin Lee makes the case for understanding through fiction," MIT News, November 2018.
"An exciting chapter for Min Jin Lee," The Boston Globe, October 2018.
"Min Jin Lee, in Hong Kong, talks about her hit novel Pachinko, learning from wise people, and yearning for Korean recognition," South China Morning Post, November 2017.
"A Novelist Confronts the Complex Relationship Between Japan and Korea," The New York Times, November 2017.
"When the Odds Favor the House, It's Still Important to Feel Lucky," Vineyard Gazette, July 2017.
"Giving a voice to America's 'ignored' Asian immigrants," Nikkei Asia, May 2017.
Featured in Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls, 2016.
"Tackling the 'Zainichi' experience," The Japan Times, September 2008.
"The real lessons come after college is over," The Orange County Register, June 2007.